Feng Shui for the Bedroom

Feng Shui Secrets That Will Change Your Life

While our home should be our safe haven, the bedroom should be our respite from everything. It should be a place where we can enter into and all the cares of the world – the pressure of a job, the unsettling thoughts about the future and any relationship woes should not be allowed into this room.

You might not have realized this yet, but the way that your room is arranged with the furniture and the way that it’s decorated can be either positive or negative. Both the positive and the negative can alternately create either harmony or turmoil.

Having a lot of stuff in the bedroom can disrupt the Chi and the bedroom should be one of the most clutter free rooms in your home. Any item that reflects negativity or turmoil should be removed.

Any photos that make you feel like your stomach is in knots should be taken out. If you have any gift items in your bedroom that were given to you by someone who hurt you emotionally, take them out. Those are filled with much negative energy.

Don’t store any job related items in your bedroom. If you keep a “to be read” pile of books by your bedside that you intend to get around to reading someday, take them out. Free the room from any piles of paper clutter especially relating to bills.

Don’t keep items that you might need “someday” but can’t use right away, because this only creates a block for the energy. Don’t use your bedroom as a storage space for any items that you’re not using and don’t use decorations, colors or fabrics that are jarring.

Feng Shui for the bedroom is designed to help you feel refreshed and to maximize the energy within you. While your bed will probably be the largest piece of furniture in your room, it should not be set up in such a way that the energy hits the bed.

Instead, the bed should be moved away from the door if possible and if that’s not possible, put up something that blocks the energy from hitting the bed. The use of tall plants or a large screen can do this.

Don’t sleep in a bedroom that doesn’t have curtains and don’t have mirrors that are aimed toward the bed because the Chi will be directed right back at the bed. You want a restful sleep and you want the Chi energy to work for you, not against you.

Use furniture in your bedroom that’s made of wood, especially the bed. You want to avoid metal because metal interacts negatively with the Chi energy here. The direction that your bed is placed is important to harnessing the benefits of Chi as are the types of linens that you use on your bed.

Core Feng Shui